Dealing with Rejection –
Lessons to be learned from a baby
I am sure you have seen a baby in the crawling stage with their hands and knees on the floor. What comes after crawling? The climbing stage; holding on to the legs of the tables and chairs.
When the baby successfully stands up, he thinks he has conquered the biggest mountain in the world. Then comes the side stepping around the table and the bed. In this process, the baby falls many times, sometimes straight on his back and sometimes on his face. But what happens the next minute or the next day?
The baby stands up again (NEVER GIVES UP) and tries to take further steps to perfect his walk. He takes the first few steps of walking in excitement, walks fast, and falls again. He stands up and walks again – and again he falls – and again he stands up (PERSEVERANCE).
Upon seeing this, the mom and dad hold the baby’s hand to help him walk (SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGEMENT). It takes a few weeks to a month before he masters his walk. If you have seen your baby take those first successful steps in walking, you must have noticed the joy and glow on his face (MASTERY).
Upon seeing this, the mom and dad hold the baby’s hand to help him walk (SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGEMENT). It takes a few weeks to a month before he masters his walk. If you have seen your baby take those first successful steps in walking, you must have noticed the joy and glow on his face (MASTERY).
Why does the baby not give up? Just because he has FAITH and knows that walking is possible. There is no giving up, there is no rejection. Repeatedly falling while trying to stand becomes a challenge for the baby. Ultimately, he masters his walk and eventually starts running.
So, why is it that we give up so fast when people reject us? “When you don’t give up, YOU CANNOT FAIL”.
Watch this video on NEVER GIVING UP :
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Image: Clare Bloomfield /