
For those interested in this webinar, kindly 
contact DXN Dubai for the Webinar Link : 

Wellness & DXN Business Opportunity in Canada

We are pleased to host a seminar on 16th July 2016 lead by Mr. Fatemi Ghani, an International Health and Business Coach. Details are below:
Topic     :   Wellness & DXN Business Opportunity in Canada
Date      :   Sat, July 16
Time      :  11am – 12pm
Address :   DXN - Vancouver Service Centre
                 758 Rochester Avenue
                 Coquitlam, British Columbia,
                 V3K 2V8, Canada
Contact  :  Andrea Mau
Email     :  vancouverdxn@gmail.com

Look forward to seeing you and
 your friends in the seminar.

Note: Please confirm your participation by emailing to me at

Andrea Mau
Service Centre Manager
DXN - Vancouver Service Centre