PASSION is, what comes out of YOU & COMPASSION is what you give to OTHERS.

Passion comes from FLOW & if you are in flow, energy comes out automatically. Your prospects or members can see that flow if it comes out of your heart. All those who are passionate about DXN are and will be successful.

In DXN, your success depends upon how compassionate you are about others. How you feel for others? How much support you provide to your team? Again, people can sense the compassion you have for them.

Bottom line, you ought to have passion and compassion to succeed in DXN.


  1. One of my favorite "Ultimate Success Stories" is Mr. Soichiro Honda, founder of the corporation that bears his name. Like all companies, no matter how large, Honda Corporation began with a decision and a passionate desire to produce a result.
    If you are Passionated in what you do no one can stop you from succeeding in life and Business.

  2. Sujay, I fully agree that the decision and passion have to be in alignment to succeed.

  3. Fatemi Ghani is the Man of Passion and we follow the Great Mentor Like him - Dubai Jana
