New Year Resolution: REDEFINED

2011 is ending. As 2011 and all the years before, people had been making resolution but hardly completing it. I am sure millions of people are ready to make another one for 2012. Have you ever thought why people cannot achieve their goals? There are many reasons for their failure but I have listed three of them. 
1. Impractical goals 
2. Having many goals in many areas : mentally, physically, spiritually, financially, in relationships.  
3. Lack of discipline and accountability. 

How about redefining 2012 resolutions and making a few realistic goals. The biggest challenge is discipline followed by accountability. Here you have to take help of a mentor. Please commit to him and at the same time be accountable to him. Mentors are great people who are there to guide and support you and give solution to you, if you get stuck in your resolution. 
I wish everyone all the best for 2012 
and may your resolutions come true. 


The right connection is so important in life, be it employee-employer connection, husband-wife or parents-children connections or the connection of two friends. If you have made and have the right connections, you are definitely a successful person.
A few weeks back, I was waiting for my son at the airport in the arrival area. Hundreds of passengers were coming out but my eyes were only searching for MY son. After waiting for over an hour, I finally spotted him amidst a myriad of people. Bang, my eyes got connected to what I was looking for.  

Questions: How did I make it? Was it easy? Did I get tired? Did it take time?

If you put yourself in my shoes, I am sure you know all the answers to the above questions. My correlation to the above story is so true when it comes to DXN members-prospects connections. If we are in a crowd and want to talk and get connected to the right prospects, again the principle of right connections is needed. If the connection is good, we have made the day. Making the right connection is the basic core skills in our business.

Bottom line, like in life, in DXN, connecting to the right people is everything, rest is easy.

Image: Vlado /

Training at Dubai and Sharjah on 9th & 17th Dec 2011

My next UAE training will be held at the following venues :

9th December : Dubai
17th December : Sharjah 

Title : Personal Growth: The Power of Team

Image: jscreationzs /
Image: renjith krishnan /


Mr. Mohammad Fatemi Ghani (ESCD & EDC Chairman) will be conducting a special MLM Workshop. Details are as follows : 
Venue : DIFC, Dubai
Date : 18th November 2011, Friday
Time : 3.45pm to 9pm

Mr. Ghani will teach the participants of the workshop a practical plan to achieve success through the MLM System.

The Seats will be given on first come first serve basis.
Registration closes either by 15th November 2011 or by the completion of the first 50 seats.

Image: David Castillo Dominici /

Getting benefits from DXN food supplements?

How to get maximum benefits 
from DXN food and food supplements?

1. Having the correct mindset
Effective health improvement begins with your mind---belief in herbs is an important factor to maximize the benefits. In addition, an understanding of Ganotherapy is important.

2. Using the Ganoderma & other food supplements regularly as per consumption chart
Taking  the correct consumption regularly is extremely important.

3. Increasing the consumption as per the consumption chart will give faster results.

4. Giving sufficient time
The result of Ganoderma is visible if sufficient time is given. Since these products are working in cellular level, it takes time to show the results. Different people will take different time to show the results; all depending upon the number of cells being repaired.

 5. Expecting Ganoderma temporary reflection
The food supplements do not have side effects but do have positive ailing reflection. Reflection is the detoxification (discharge of chemicals) of the body.

Dr. Ajay Ramani : Spirulina Effect on pregnant women

I interviewed Dr. Ajay Ramani, a gynecologist, who shared his views on the effects of Spirulina on Pregnant Women

UAE Training in September 2011

Here is the training schedule for my UAE training.

Please invite your Team Members & prospects for these seminars.


"Walking is the nearest activity to perfect exercise". Professor J Morris and Dr Adrianne Hardman, 1997

The best and easiest form of daily exercise is simple walking, to be precise, brisk walking. It can be done anywhere & anytime, it does not cost anything and has profound benefits. Walk and enjoy walking but without overexertion. I assure you that walking will make you feel good. If you enjoy walking, you will definitely enjoy the benefits afterwards.  

Benefit of walking

Doctors have been advising that walking is good for the lungs, heart and muscles and bone growth. I am sure you remember the old quotes by George Trevelyan,  
“I have 2 doctors, my left leg and my right” 

The Health benefits of walking are numerous. 
Studies show that walking can : 
reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke, 
lower blood pressure, 
reduce high cholesterol and improve blood lipid profile, 
reduce body fat, 
enhance mental well being, 
increase bone density, hence helping to prevent osteoporosis, 
reduce the risk of cancer of the colon, 
reduce the risk of non insulin dependent diabetes,
help to control body weight, 
help osteoarthritis, 
help flexibility and co-ordination hence reducing the risk of falls. 
(Sources: Davison & Grant 1993, US Dept of Health 1996, British Heart Foundation 2000)

Walking for fun with family gives you more joy and the best thing is that you do not feel as if you are exercising. 

Few Do’s of walking 
  • Get a loose outfit, preferably cotton and most importantly, get good comfortable shoes  
  • Before you start walking, do a 5-minute warm-up through stretching and spot running  
  • Once you start walking, start slowly, gradually build your pace to brisk walking and continue for at least 30 to 40 minutes and finally slow down till you stop  
  • After you stop walking, repeat the stretching exercise to tone your muscle  
  • You can also cool down by doing some deep breathing exercises as taught in yoga (I will cover this later)  
  • Most importantly, before starting your brisk walking exercise, please see your doctor and get the “green light” 

    Testimonials : I have seen many people in their mid 70s and even 80s in Canada who had been walking for 30 to 40 years and keeping themselves fit. 
    If they can do it, so can you.

    Video on Fitness walking

    Interview during the Recognition Night event in Dubai

    This is an interview that was conducted during the Recognition Night event in Dubai, May 2010.

    DXN Capacitacion Exclusiva Dr. Ricardo Cordero

    Video in Spanish from Dr. Ricardo Cordero

    DXN DXNLA Dr. Ricardo Cordero Corral, expositor líder exclusivo equipo expone en nuestro centro de capacitaciones los beneficios del consumo de ganoderma y espirulina DXN.

    Video Link :  

    For more information, visit : 


    (Sharing of Information about Cancer)

    姚惠珍的分享(第一段) Part 1


    A young Leukemia patient gained back his health through DXN Products (in Chinese)




    欲参阅或询问更多资讯,敬请游览以下网址 :

    For more information, please visit :


    服食德信灵芝(DXN RG)与德信菌丝(DXN GL)及Mycoveggie,
    (An overweight child's weight dropped 30kg. 
    From 93kg to 63kg. 
    Through consumption of DXN Products)

    详情请参阅 :

    欲参阅或询问更多资讯,敬请游览以下网址 :

    For more information, please visit :


    Jane's sharing on the 4 functions of DXN Health Food Supplements

    欲参阅或询问更多资讯,敬请游览以下网址 :

    For more information, please visit :

    很多人不敢服用灵芝, 它真的那么好吗?请听姚惠珍的分享

    很多人不敢服用灵芝, 它真的那么好吗?请听姚惠珍的分享
    Jane's sharing: Is Ganoderma safe to be consumed? (in Chinese)

    欲参阅或询问更多资讯,敬请游览以下网址 :

    For more information, please visit :


    About Jane's father stroke and cancer case (in Chinese language)

    欲参阅或询问更多资讯,敬请游览以下网址 :

    For more information, please visit :

    姚惠珍分享: 为何先用菌丝(GL) 后用灵芝(RG)?

    姚惠珍分享: 为何先用菌丝(GL) 后用灵芝(RG)? 
    (Explanation in Chinese by Jane Yau on why we must take GL first before RG)

    欲参阅或询问更多资讯,敬请游览以下网址 :

    For more information, please visit : 


    (Jane Yau's Explanation on Spirulina in Chinese)

    For more information, please visit :

    欲参阅或询问更多资讯,敬请游览以下网址 :

    Interviewing Joseph, Marketing Manager Philippines

    Watch this video of an interview I conducted with Mr. Joseph, the Marketing Manager of DXN Philippines :

    Interviewing Shirish Sebastian (in Hindi)

    This is an interview I conducted with Shirish Sebastian. The interview is in Hindi and it is on Personal Growth. 

    Success Story of Joseph Estrada

    This is an interview I conducted with Joseph Estrada on the secret for his success. 

    How to do DXN Business Professionally (Video)

    I gave this talk, "How to do DXN Business Professionally" in 2009 at the Flora Park Hotel, Dubai.

    Please click the links below to view the video :  

    Part 1

    4Rs of Rejuvenation

    Summer is here, people are on vacation or planning to go on one. I am already enjoying my vacation in Vancouver, Canada. Vacation is a leisure time to rejuvenate---do what you love to do, read books, play 
    games, go hiking in the woods or mountains or sea side, be with friends and relatives, enjoy the party, etc. The following thoughts were shared by my nephew Leo and I thought to share with all of you.

    The 4Rs of rejuvenation: reflect, release, renew and relax

    Reflect - from now going back a few days, weeks, months as far as you can think. Anything that was holding you back from moving forward in life (things that you resisted), recognize them and find the real reason behind the resistance, then release them. 

    Release - self-forgiveness or/and forgiveness of others in order to let go of any kind of clutter in your mind and eventually be open to receiving and renew yourself with positive and constructive thoughts. 

    Renew - build up your self-esteem using affirmations (be grateful for all that you have), use visualization where you project yourself before your eyes and see the future, the way you would want to see yourself few days, weeks, months or years from now.

    Relax – Relaxation is not only doing yoga, deep breathing & sleeping but the true relaxation is calming you internally. Just lying down, closing eyes and focusing on relaxing individual body parts one at a time, either starting from head to toe or vice versa, until your entire body feels like it's sinking. This is a good practice in isolating your thoughts, feelings and emotions, which can help you in creating opportunities for yourself. Just be ready to recognize them when they show up and try not to resist.

    Sometimes you do things that you don't really love doing but just need or have to for whatever reasons. - it’s tough to always love what you do, so at these times, you want to find something to love in whatever you are doing, be it small or big, and just focus on that. Soon enough, you will accept it with love and it becomes effortless.

    Dealing with Rejection

    Dealing with Rejection – 
    Lessons to be learned from a baby

    I am sure you have seen a baby in the crawling stage with their hands and knees on the floor. What comes after crawling? The climbing stage; holding on to the legs of the tables and chairs. 

    When the baby successfully stands up, he thinks he has conquered the biggest mountain in the world. Then comes the side stepping around the table and the bed. In this process, the baby falls many times, sometimes straight on his back and sometimes on his face. But what happens the next minute or the next day?

    The baby stands up again (NEVER GIVES UP) and tries to take further steps to perfect his walk. He takes the first few steps of walking in excitement, walks fast, and falls again. He stands up and walks again – and again he falls – and again he stands up (PERSEVERANCE).  
    Upon seeing this, the mom and dad hold the baby’s hand to help him walk (SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGEMENT). It takes a few weeks to a month before he masters his walk. If you have seen your baby take those first successful steps in walking, you must have noticed the joy and glow on his face (MASTERY).

    Why does the baby not give up? Just because he has FAITH and knows that walking is possible. There is no giving up, there is no rejection. Repeatedly falling while trying to stand becomes a challenge for the baby. Ultimately, he masters his walk and eventually starts running.

    So, why is it that we give up so fast when people reject us? “When you don’t give up, YOU CANNOT FAIL”.

    Watch this video on NEVER GIVING UP :

    Image: photostock /
    Image: Clare Bloomfield /

    Thinking “Out of the Box”

    When I read the following story, I thought of our DXN business and the struggle most of us go through in the initial stages and do the same thing over and over again with no result. There is always a solution to the level where we get “stuck”. Enjoy the “out of box” thinking story.

    Image(s) courtesy
    Many hundreds of years ago in a small Italian town, a merchant had the misfortune of owing a large sum of money to the moneylender. 
    The moneylender, who was old and ugly, fancied the merchant’s beautiful daughter so he proposed a bargain. 
    He said he would forgo the merchant’ debt if he could marry the merchant’s daughter. 
    Both the merchant and his daughter were horrified by the proposal. 

    The cunning money lender suggested that they let providence decide the matter.

    The moneylender told them that he would put a black pebble and a white pebble into an empty bag. The girl would then have to pick one pebble from the bag. If she picked the black pebble, she would become the moneylender’s wife and her father’s debt would be forgiven. If she picked the white pebble she need not marry him and her father’s debt would still be forgiven. But if she refused to pick a pebble, her father would be thrown into jail.

    They were standing on a pebble strewn path in the merchant’s garden. As they talked, the moneylender bent over to pick up two pebbles. As he picked them up, the sharp-eyed girl noticed that he had picked up two black pebbles and put them into the bag. He then asked the girl to pick her pebble from the bag.

    Now, imagine you were standing in the merchant’s garden. What would you have done if you were the girl? If you had to advise her, what would you have told her? Careful analysis would produce three possibilities:

    1. The girl should refuse to take a pebble.
    2. The girl should show that there were two black pebbles in the bag and expose the moneylender as a cheat.
    3. The girl should pick a black pebble and sacrifice herself in order to save her father from his debt and imprisonment.

    Take a moment to ponder over the story. The above story is used with the hope that it will make us appreciate the difference between lateral and logical thinking. The girl’s dilemma cannot be solved with traditional logical thinking.

    Think of the consequences if she chooses the logical answers. What would you recommend the girl do?

    The girl put her hand into the moneybag and drew out a pebble. Without looking at it, she fumbled and let it fall onto the pebble-strewn path where it immediately became lost among all the other pebbles.
     “Oh, how clumsy of me,” she said. “But never mind, if you look into the bag for the one that is left, you will be able to tell which pebble I picked.”

    Since the remaining pebble is black, it must be assumed that she had picked the white one. And since the moneylender dared not admit his dishonesty, the girl changed what seemed an impossible situation into an extremely advantageous one. 

    MORAL OF THE STORY: Most complex problems do have a solution, sometimes we have to think about them in a different way.

    Image: Suat Eman /
    Image: luigi diamanti /

    Mid Year Goal Setting

    At the beginning of the year, most people set new resolutions and goals. Most of us take a good start but after a few months, slow down, and the rest is history. Why does this happen? 

    Because most of us fail to plan, and do not have discipline in our lives. There is no benchmark to check the progress every month or every quarter, and this finally results in failed plans.

    Where are you today, 4th of July, 50% through the year 2011? If you are honest to yourself, you should know where you need to be standing 6 months into 2011. 

    If you are halfway to achieving your 2011 goal, then you are doing good, if you are more than half towards achieving your 2011 goal, you are doing great. But if you are less than half way, you need to re-evaluate and plan and make a new goal for the coming 6 months. 

    Please ask yourself, the following questions and re-energize your commitment : 
    1) Goals are dreams with deadlines. Did you write your goals with specific time lines? Are you reading them daily so that you are programming it in your sub-conscience mind? 


    2) Did you plan your daily chores in advance, a night before or at the start of the day? 
    3) Are you reading powerful, life transforming books each and every day? At least 10 pages related to DXN products or Network Marketing or Personal Growth, which will amount to about 300 pages of self development every month. 
    4) Are you applying the content that you read? How much of your time are you investing with new people? 
    5) How much time are you giving to support, train, and coach new and old members?

    Wish you all best of luck for achieving your goals.

    Image: jscreationzs /
    Image: jannoon028 /
    Image: renjith krishnan /

    Effective Communication

    DXN Leaders & the Need to be Effective in Communication

    Without credible communication, and a lot of it, employee hearts and minds are never captured. John P. Kotter, Leading Change 

    It is important that if you want to become a DXN leader, you have to become an effective communicator. 

    This communication is both speaking and listening. The problem with some people who knows a lot, hardly listens to his/her prospects/members. 

    The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them. Ralph Nichols 

    Once leaders have mastered their listening skills, then they can move to the speaking skill. Nobody expects you to be a great speaker at the start of the business but when you reach Double or Triple Diamond, you need to be a effective communicator. It is one of the ways to reach the heart & mind of prospects and members. As a leader, your team needs to see you on the stage, in order to develop confidence in you as their leader. You should be able to give compelling business opportunity presentations. Also you need to be able to conduct seminars, trainings & workshops to help the prospects and even new members to learn the DXN business.

    Image: photostock /


    PASSION is, what comes out of YOU & COMPASSION is what you give to OTHERS.

    Passion comes from FLOW & if you are in flow, energy comes out automatically. Your prospects or members can see that flow if it comes out of your heart. All those who are passionate about DXN are and will be successful.

    In DXN, your success depends upon how compassionate you are about others. How you feel for others? How much support you provide to your team? Again, people can sense the compassion you have for them.

    Bottom line, you ought to have passion and compassion to succeed in DXN.

    Speech during the 2nd Leadership Congress 2011

    I gave a speech during the 2nd Leadership Congress 2011, which was held at the Radisson BLU Hotel, Sharjah, UAE on 25th January 2011. The title of the speech was "Leadership".
    There was a telecast of the speech by Marine BizTV on 11th June 2011.

    Here is the speech :


    to watch the video on the Marine BizTV website (


    I got inspired to write this article after reading Robert Kiyosaki’s book, “Retire Young, Retire Rich”. 

    The members and leaders usually approach their prospects with the formula that through DXN they can offer health and wealth. 

    Where we as distributors and members make mistake is that we JUMP into WEALTH part too fast without explaining or coaching as to how to reach that. As per Kiyosaki, wealth is where money works for you. And that does not come fast or easy. That is the biggest challenge all networkers have not only in DXN but in most of the companies. As per Dr Charles King book, we are the “The New Professionals” and if we become professionals like Doctors and engineers, it will definitely take some years.

    In this blog post, I have made a road map as to how you can transform your income to wealth. Following are the 5 stages you have to take, understand and implement before becoming a wealthy person. I have also tried to explain a formula to do it.

    STAGE 1 : Income is what you get from your job and small business, which is most of the time from hand to mouth with maybe little saving.

    STAGE 2 : When you join DXN, this income gives you the EXTRA INCOME immediately and in a couple of months you can start buying the products FREE.

    STAGE 3 : This is the most critical stage because you want to have your INCOME = TO YOUR DXN BONUS and this may take 3- 5 yrs in your business, all depending upon you as to how professional you become, learn and apply.

    STAGE 4 : Becoming your OWN BOSS. Important point to note here is to ensure your bonus from DXN has to be approximately 20% above your salary. But the biggest advantage which millions of $ cannot give you is FREEDOM : Freedom to do whatever you want at your own time without any pressure from your job.

    STAGE 5 : Lastly what we talk and dream about is WEALTH. If you start thinking like a millionaire, you have to work like a millionaire mindset. You need to stick to the DXN system long enough and be laser focused with your people and products (from 5 to 10 yrs) to attain this status. Bottom line is doing 300PPV per month for yourself as well as others who want to do business. I can assure you that you can do more than 300PPV if you have a big consumer group.

    Special note: Everybody needs good health and everybody needs money and DXN offers both. It all depends on how you approach your prospects and when they convert to become a member, how much time you spend to make them successful. 

    I will be conducting the training on this subject starting from next week all over UAE.